
Patron Contributions

As a cooperative arts organization, visitor contributions, purchases, artist memberships, and grant rewards are essential toward the success of Broke and Arted. Individuals like you make the Broke and Arted cooperative possible by helping to cover overhead costs of facilities usage. Broke and Arted contributers get special privileges and the satisfaction of knowing that your support advances the arts in our community. Be a part of something exceptional and contribute to Broke and Arted, your support is essential and very much appreciated.

Friend - $35
Advance notice of performances and special events
Invitations to special members-only events and programs
Recognition of your membership in the annual report

Partner - $50
All of the benefits of Friend plus:
Broke and Arted t-shirt

Consort - $75
All of the benefits of Partner plus:
Free entry to unlimited Broke and Arted events for one year

Fellow - $100
All of the benefits of Consort plus:
10% discount at the broke&arted boutique

Cohort - $250
All of the benefits of Fellow plus:
10% off art purchases

Comrade - $500
Two year membership with all of the benefits of Cohort plus:
15% off purchases during openings

Sidekick - $1000
All of the benefits of Comrade plus:
Invitation to our Broke and Arted Bloody Mary Brunch with Broke and Arted artists

Volunteer Opportunities are always available, so don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to be of service to the Broke and Arted.

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